The online worship options we have include:
(Click on the highlighted links below for quick access)
- Facebook,
- YouTube,
- Grace’s FireTV Channel,
- from your FireTV, search for the Grace United Methodist Church Columbia channel (or click the link above or Add the channel via the web to your FireTV device by visiting: and select apps and devices in the search bar – Grace United Methodist Church),
- ROKU –
- search for the Grace United Methodist Church Columbia channel
(Add the channel to your Roku device by visiting:,
- search for the Grace United Methodist Church Columbia channel
- and our website.
You can find the bulletin here, and the announcements here. Our online giving page can be found here. You can still mail your offering to the church at 410 Harbison Blvd. Columbia, SC 29212 or you can bring it by and drop it in the mailbox outside of the church office.